Welcome to our Brand Centre

Sault College’s look and feel is an important part of our brand. Keeping a consistent approach with our identity and visual applications ensures that we are recognized and recognizable – always. Our brand centre allows you to download logos, use pre-approved brand imagery and learn about our brand’s do and don’ts.

For more information on our brand and branded material, email   marketing@saultcollege.ca


Logo and Brand Identity

Our logo is an important part of our brand and the integrity of its application and use is even more integral in creating a consistent image. Below you will find download links to different logo applications and uses.

Click here to download our logo usage guidelines

Click here to download our complete Sault College logo package


Photography & Imagery

Sault College’s brand does not live just in our identity – but also in our imagery. We have curated a few photos below that are available for download. Please look back to  our brand centre as we add more imagery  for use  when referencing Sault College.

Campus Exterior

photo of building with Sault College sign in the front

Campus Exterior

photo of Sault College building at night with lights coming through windows

Campus Exterior

photo of exterior of F-Wing entrance at Health and Wellness Centre


Campus Interior

interior photo of campus in ie3 showing the staircase

Campus Interior

interior photo of campus in ie3 showing seating areas to the left of a walkway

Health & Wellness Centre

a room in the Fitness Centre with a lineup of exercise bikes facing a large window with mirror to the right

Waterfront Adventure Centre

waterfront side of building in background with two people carrying a yellow kayak across the dock

Waterfront Adventure Centre

female wearing a life jacket on a standup paddleboard rowing in the water with bridge, trees and buildings in background

Waterfront Adventure Centre

four people laughing while chatting and standing to the middle of the net on a tennis court