High School Students

Congratulations on making one of the biggest decisions in your life so far! Planning and researching your education and career possibilities takes many hours and a lot of hard work when you’re only 16 and 17 years of age. We know there is a lot to know and understand before you can even apply to college and we want you to know that there are many important people you’ll want to talk to help you make this big decision.

Your parents, guardians, friends, and family are an excellent start. Just sitting down and discussing what you might like to do is a great way to begin your research. Start thinking about what your hobbies are and what you really love to do because that can give you a good idea of what you may enjoy doing as your career for many years.

Your guidance counsellors at your high school are also a helpful support source and we want you to know, so are we! Stop by, call us or send an email, we are here to answer any of your questions, no matter what the question is.

Still not sure what this college thing is really about? Contact the recruitment team who can answer any of your college questions, from programs to supports to residence and beyond - they can sit down with you one-on-one to help you explore options, learn about supports throughout your college journey, submit your college application, and take your on a tour of campus and residence. 

Connect with a recruiter >

Admissions Requirements

Every program here at Sault College has “admission requirements” that are needed in order to get acceptance into that particular program. Explore the variety of programs  by   Programs A-Z or by Program Categories  and check out what you’ll need to get into your program of choice by finding the  admission requirements on each individual program page.