Admissions Guide - Fees and Expenses

Fees and Expenses

A. Fees For Full-Time Postsecondary Students

The basis for fee assessment for all programs/courses will be the definition of a full-time student.

A full-time post-secondary student is a student who is:

  • enrolled in a program which has been approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and/or the Sault College Board of Governors; AND
  • carrying a workload of at least 70% of the program credits, or 66 2/3 of the courses required for the program, in any semester (except for Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) students, where program full-time is defined as a minimum of 12 credits or 4 courses per semester).

An academic period is defined as follows:

  • FALL: September 1 to December 31
  • WINTER: January 1 to April 30
  • SUMMER: May 1 to August 31

Note: A Student Achievement and Records fee will be assessed for each program of study and is typically charged in the
first semester.

i) Course Overload Fees

When students register for more courses and credits than are required for their particular program and semester, a
course overload occurs. This will result in additional fees being charged. Students are advised to contact the Registrar’s
Office when adding a course(s) to determine if the addition(s) will result in an “overload” situation.

ii) Extracurricular Course Fees

Regardless of course load, students enrolling in courses outside of their program graduation requirements will be
assessed additional fees.

iii) Additional Information

  • Fees not paid by the semester deadline dates are subject to a $150 late payment fee.
  • Some programs have additional program-related fees that are assessed either annually or one-time and are listed at tthe end of this document.
  • Fees for course overloads and extra-curricular courses will be assessed after the “add deadline’’ in each semester (see Key Dates Calendar).
  • A 100% level is the total number of program credits scheduled for a given program and level in a particular semester.

B. Fees For Part-Time Postsecondary Students

A part-time post-secondary student is a student who is enrolled in course(s) less than 70% of the program credits and
fewer than 66 2/3 of the courses required for the program in any semester (except for Collaborative Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (BScN) students, where program part-time is defined as less than 12 credits or 4 courses per semester).

Part-time tuition fees for most post-secondary programs (excluding BScN, Aviation Technology – Flight, and
Mechatronics) are calculated on the basis of approximately $5.91 per credit hour x 14 weeks (subject to change at Sault
College’s discretion). Some programs may have a higher part-time calculation rate. Tuition fees for part-time students
are due in full at the time of registration.

C. Fees For Lockers

  1. Locker fees are determined by Sault College and may be subject to change. These fees are part of the compulsory ancillary fees and are used to maintain the locker program.
  2. If a student withdraws by Day 10 of class from the College, the locker fee will be refunded along with all other fees.
  3. There will be a $20 fee charged for any missing locks.
  4. The Locker Assignment information is available on the Sault College Student Portal.
  5. If a student withdraws or leaves the College for any reason, the locker must be vacated the last day of attended classes. All contents are to be removed and the assigned lock left on the locker and locked.
  6. Without prior notice, the lock will be cut and contents removed from any unregistered locker, any locker a student has taken possession of without being assigned to it, or a locker registration date that has expired. Sault College is not responsible for any items that are removed from an unregistered locker or an expired locker. All contents will be stored for 10 business days, after which time they are donated to the Sault College Students’ Union (SCSU) office for their annual sale, or discarded at the discretion of the College.
  7. The College bears no liability for the contents or personal property stored in the locker. The occupant is responsible for any items stored in lockers and use of lockers is at the risk of the occupant.
  8. The student is responsible for the replacement and/or repair of the locker as a result of damage or misuse of College property.
  9. Occupants are expected to vacate the locker by the expiry period displayed with their rental location and combination code.
  10. In order to allow for summer cleaning and maintenance of lockers, all contents must be removed by May 1st. Any contents left in the lockers will be considered abandoned and discarded without further communication to the student. Lockers are available after August 20th

D. Fees For Parking

Students who need to park on campus will require a current parking pass.

Please note parking rates are subject to change.

More information regarding parking is available on the Sault College website.

E. Typical Expenses

The costs listed below are approximations and may vary, depending on the type or length of the program, accommodations, and spending habits. The budget is based on one academic year (typically 28 weeks).


ExpenseHomeOn CampusOff Campus
Tuition & Ancillary Fees$4,287*$4,287*$4,287*
Books & Supplies$1,750$1,750$1,750
Housing$0$5,600 – 7,000$5,650 – 8,200**
Food/Meal Plan$0$3,058***$4,300 - 5,950
Internet, Cable & Laundry$0Included

$2,700 - 4,350

Local Transportation$0 - $420****$0 - $420****$0 - $420****
Miscellaneous (Entertainment, Shopping, etc.)$3,260$3,260$3,260

Above Represents 2024-2025 academic year. Fees subject to change. Represents approximate costs only.

* Domestic student fees only. Some programs cost more. Refer to the website for specific tuition fees.
** Some off-campus housing options require a 12 month lease, which will increase the above mentioned costs.
*** Meal Plans are optional. This represents the Annual Plan Cost. Other options are available.
**** Local transportation for two semesters is optional

F. Refund Of Fees For Full-Time Postsecondary Students

Post-Secondary Refunds

In accordance with MCU guidelines, fee refunds are determined as of the effective date identified on the Withdrawal Form or the drop date. To obtain a refund, the student must initiate the withdrawal process by completing the withdrawal form, which is available in the Dean's/Chair’s Office.

International Refunds

In accordance with MCU guidelines, refunds of fees are determined as of the effective date identified on the Withdrawal Form or the drop date. To obtain a refund, the student must initiate the withdrawal process by completing the withdrawal form, which is available in the Dean's/Chair’s Office; and by completing the International Refund Application, which is available on the Sault College website or from the Registrar’s Office. The fees eligible for refund are outlined on the Application form.

G. Refund Schedule

Post-Secondary Refunds

If full-time students officially withdraw on or before Day 10 of the semester as specified in the Key Dates Calendar, all fees paid will be refunded, less the $100 non-refundable administration fee, and any late fees assessed. Please note the administration fee differs for international students.

The program start dates are listed in the Key Dates Calendar, which is provided to all students at Key Dates Calendar.

Students officially withdrawing after Day 10 of the semester (as specified in the Key Dates Calendar) will not be eligible for a refund of fees for that semester. However, all fees paid in advance for future semester(s) will be refunded.

International Refunds

If international students officially withdraw on or before the last day to withdraw as specified in the Key Dates Calendar (usually Day 10 of the semester), all fees paid will be refunded, less the $2,500 non-refundable administration fee. If a student has received a visa refusal, they will receive a refund less a $400 non-refundable withdrawal fee. Bank charges may apply and will be deducted from the refund in addition to fees listed above. All funds will be returned to the country of origin.

The program start dates are listed in the Key Dates Calendar, which is provided to all students at Key Dates Calendar.

All refund packages must be submitted via the International Application Services (IAS) portal

H. Refund Of Fees For Part-Time Postsecondary Students

A $15 registration fee is included in the total fees payable and is non-refundable. Also, any course-specific supply fee is not refundable. Students enrolled in Continuing Education classes must officially withdraw from courses by letting the Registrar’s Office know prior to the second class to be eligible for a refund. The fee refunded will not include the registration fee of $15. If the course has only one class, the withdrawal request must be made prior to the beginning of that scheduled class.

I. Tuition And Education Credit Certificate

The Tuition and Education Credit Certificate (T2202) is a form that includes months of full-time or part-time attendance and tuition fees paid.

The certificate is available on the Student Portal to post-secondary, apprenticeship, adult training and continuing education students in late February of each year.

Tuition fees must be paid by December of each year to ensure that the tuition receipt section of the certificate will be
issued by February of the year following payment.


** For Full-time Post-secondary (Domestic) Students. Tuition Fees subject to change.
*** For Full-Time Post-secondary (International) Students. Tuition Fees subject to change.



Tuition Fee$2,649-$8,524**$15,121 – 22,830***
Academic Support – Academic Transition Fee$25$25
Academic Support – Peer Tutoring Fee$40$40
Academic Support – Student Support$57.50$57.50
Academic Support – Testing Services Fee$25$25
Academic Technology Support Fee$120$120
Alumni Fee$15$15
Athletics & Recreation Fee$170$170
Chapters & Clubs Membership Fee$12$12
Employment & Career Services Fee$55$55
Event Membership Fee$43$43
Health & Counselling – Health Support Fee$35$35
Health & Counselling – Mental Health Support Fee$70$70
Health & Counselling Wellness Programming$42.50$42.50
International Health Insurancen/a$650
Locker Fee$15$15
SCSU Supplement Health & Dental Plan Fee$205$205
Student Achievement & Records Fee$50$50
Student Association Membership Fee$18$18
Student Buildings – Health & Wellness Building Trust$100$100
Student Buildings – Athletics Equipment Investment Fund$16$16
Student Buildings – Capital Improvement$20$20
Student Buildings – Student Life Centre Operations$48$48
Student Financial Assistance Fee$15$15
Student ID Cards - Campus One Card Fee$15$15
Student Legal Services Plan Fee$33$33
WUSC Fee / Student Refugee Sponsorship Program$5$5


Please note: some programs have additional program-related fees*.

Compulsory Program Related Ancillary Fees:2025 - 2026 Ancillary Fees
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) Fee - Annual Fee
The Canadian Nursing Students’ Association is the national organization representing nursing students from across Canada. Contact for more information: Dean, Health
Paid annually in Term 1
Co-op Education Fee - Per Term
The Co-op Education Fee is assessed every year in designated co-op programs. The Co-op office is located in J1120 and the fee supports staffing, equipment and materials available to support students who are seeking co-op placements. In addition, the fee supports the structures necessary for the coordination and development of co-op work term processes. Contact for more information: Co-op Office (Room J1120)
$300 annually
$150.00 per term
Equipment Lending Fee - Annual Fee
The Equipment Lending Fee is assessed annually to students who are in the Digital Film Production (1097) program. This fee supports students to create productions to build academic and professional portfolios. Contact for more information: Dean, Indigenous Education, School of Natural Environment, Media and Design and Academic Upgrading
Paid annually in Term 1
Field Camp Fee - Per Term
The Field Camp Fee is assessed to students who attended a “Field Camp” as a program requirement in the School of Natural Environment (SONE). Students may be required to attend up to three of these “Field Camps” depending on their program. The “Camps” are held at various locations throughout the District. Students are assessed this fee in the term for which it applies. The Field Camp Fee covers the costs of food, travel and accommodations during the entirety of the camp. Costs are determined based on the length of the camp. Contact for more information: Dean, Indigenous Education, School of Natural Environment, Media and Design and Academic Upgrading
$40.00 - $542.00
Paid annually - Fall Term
Flight Training Support Fee - Annual Fee
The Flight Training Support Fee is assessed annually to students enrolled in Aviation Technology - Flight (4061) program. This fee supports students in their flight training experience. Contact for more information: Dean, Aviation
Paid annually in Term 1
Food Lab Fee - Annual Fee
The Food Lab Fee is assessed annually to students in the Culinary Management (2078) and Culinary Skills - Chef Training (1071) programs. Contact for more information: Dean, Continuing Education, E-Learning and Culinary
Paid annually in Term 1
Media & Design Technology Fee - Annual Fee
The Media and Design Technology Fee is assessed annually to students in the Game - Art (4008), Digital Film Production (1097), and Graphic Design - Digital Media (1094) programs. This fee will enhance student access to the latest technology and software in the industry. Contact for more information: Dean, Indigenous Education, School of Natural Environment, Media and Design and Academic Upgrading
Paid annually in Term 1
(Global Business Management) Digital Learning Materials Fee - One-Time Fee
The Digital Learning Materials Fee is assessed one time to students enrolled in the Global Business Management (2106), (5905), and (5906) programs. This fee provides students with access to digital text books, assessment tools, and advanced standing towards professional designation for international trade practitioners, the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP). Contact for more information: Dean, Business and Information Technology
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1
E-Learning Technology Support Fee - Per Term
This fee is collected to provide students with 24/7 helpdesk support and to cover the cost of hosting courses on the OntarioLearn platform. This fee is assessed in place of the Academic Technology Support Fee for OntarioLearn Students only. Applicable to Accommodation and Human Rights Management (1250), Business (2735), and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2752) Distance Education programs. Contact for more information: Dean, Continuing Education, E-Learning and Culinary
$139.50 per term
(Project Management) Digital Learning Materials Fee - One-Time Fee
The Digital Learning Materials Fee is assessed one time to students enrolled in the Project Management (2176), (5915), and (5925) programs and the Advanced Project Management - Strategic Leadership (2179) (5927) programs. This fee provides students with access to digital learning materials and a student membership to the Project Management Institute (PMI) which is an International-based project management accreditation organization and the world's leading provider of project management curriculum, materials, and professional certification. Contact for more information: Dean, Business and Information Technology
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1
(Graphic Design) Student Registered Graphic Designers Membership Fee - Annual Fee
The Student Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) Membership Fee is assessed annually to students in the Graphic Design - Digital Media (1094) program. This membership gives students experience which prepares them for the RGD certification. Contact for more information: Dean, Indigenous Education, School of Natural Environment, Media and Design and Academic Upgrading
Paid annually in Term 1
(Office Administration - Executive) Micro-Credential Bundle Fee - One-Time Fee
The Micro-Credential Bundle Fee is assessed one time to students enrolled in the Office Administration - Executive (2086) Program. This fee provides students with access to nine micro-credentials to supplement program learning as well as to provide additional certification and badging students can use to showcase specific industry skills in the job market and workplace. Contact for more information: Dean, Business and Information Technology
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1
(Health Care Administration & Health Care Leadership) Micro-Credential Fee - One-Time Fee
The Micro-Credential Fee is assessed one time to students enrolled in the Health Care Administration (2186) Program, and the Health Care Leadership - Canadian Context (2187) (5985) (5987) Programs. This fee provides students with access to a micro-credential specific to Understanding Medical Terminology to better prepare students to enter careers in the healthcare sector. Contact for more information: Dean, Business and Information Technology
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1
(School of Business) Micro-Credential Fee - One-Time Fee
The program ancillary fee for School of Business programs including (2037) Business Fundamentals, (2035) Business, (5935) Business, (2041) Business - Human Resources, (2050) Business - Accounting, (2057) Business - Marketing and (2073) Sports Administration covers costs associated for Sault College students to access one micro-credential to supplement program learning in Intermedial Excel as well as to provide additional certification and badging students can use in the job market and workplace. All of the microcredentials are integrated into the current course - BCO118. Contact for more information: Dean, Business and Information Technology
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1
(Supply Chain Management - Emergent Technologies) Certificate in International Freight Forwarding
The program ancillary fee for students in the new two year Supply Chain Management - Emergent Technologies program(s) (2184) and (5903) covers the costs associated to students in this program to obtain the course requirements toward achieving a certificate in International Freight Fowarding from the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA) - an internationally recognized designation within the transportation and international trade logistics industries. The fee covers two courses - International Transportation and Trade and Essentials of Freight Forwarding that will be embedded within the program. Upon successful completion, students will obtain two credentials - a graduate certificate from Sault College in Supply Chain Management - Emergent Technologies and a certificate in International Freight Forwarding.
One-Time Fee,
paid in Term 1


See Also

The below policies are located on the student portal at, under the "Support Services" tab, under "Forms and Policies".

  • Parking Regulations Policy
  • Student Fee Administration Policy