Spring Program Delivery

Note: The course listing is a traditional course listing for a student in a program by semester. Students may not become registered in all of the courses listed. Please access the Portal Program Delivery page on the Student Portal for more detail. Course delivery method is subject to change pending direction from public health or government restrictions.


Sault Ste. Marie Toronto And Brampton Campuses

Sault Ste . Marie

Sault College will be reducing its on-campus activity for the winter 2022 semester with student learning continuing with remote delivery where possible.   Only those students requiring on-campus practical learning will be required  on campus.

Toronto and Brampton Campuses 

All classes will be delivered remotely for  the winter 2022 semester. 

All students require a laptop computer in order to successfully complete their studies.  For more information regarding computer requirements, please visit:   https://www3.saultcollege.ca/NET/Content/TechnologyStandards.aspx

Brampton Campus: For questions pertaining to programs delivered in Brampton please reach out to Shamroz Masjidi Shamroz.Masjidi@trios.com or College International International@saultcollege.ca
Toronto Campus: For questions pertaining to programs delivered in Toronto please reach out to Atia Nusrat Atia.Nusrat@trios.com or Sault College International International@saultcollege.ca