Campus: Sault Ste. Marie
Program Code: 1227


This online certificate provides learners with strategies, approaches, and techniques to enhance client relations and enable customer service excellence. Graduates of the program will have the tools necessary to build a quality service delivery team and develop positive lasting relationships with internal and external clients and customers, while also being prepared to identify, mitigate and avoid confrontational situations.

Requirements & Program Information

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years of age or older

Students must successfully complete all courses within 7 years of acceptance into the program in order to graduate

Students must obtain a G.P.A. of 2.0 or 60% or higher to obtain this certificate

Certificate Completion

  • Once all Continuing Education certificate requirements have been successfully completed, a student may apply to graduate from their program of study
  • Program admission requirements, if applicable, will be reviewed at the time of application to graduate
  • All courses must be completed within the stated timeline outlined on the certificate webpage
  • Students who graduate from a Continuing Education, part-time certificate are eligible to attend a Convocation ceremony, with details provided upon confirmation of completion. A non-refundable graduation fee will be applied.
  • Students must email conedregistration@saultcollege.ca when they believe they have fulfilled the requirements to graduate.


Upon successful completion of the online Client and Customer Relations certificate program, students will obtain a Sault College certificate.

Career Path

For more details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, see the Government of Canada website: https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/


For more information, please contact the Continuing Education department at continuingeducation@saultcollege.ca.

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